2013 Memories

2013 marked 5 years of the Bridgewater Community Christmas. The Bridgewater Community Christmas has benefited the town and its residents by engaging a diverse group of citizens in a volunteer initiative. We had over 180 volunteers this year and thank each and everyone of them for their efforts. It takes all of you to pull this event off and we really appreciate you! We engaged youth and students, seniors and people from diverse backgrounds. The event was family friends and we saw previous guests become volunteers and past volunteers take on larger roles. We are happy to create an event that inspires, empowers and brings together all ages of the community and through all this providing people to access to healthy local food!
We were happy to maintain our partnership with the police to do meal delivery we delivered over 20 meals. We served a total of over 400 meal this year and did so again in a very timely manner to really create the large family meal.

There will be benefits and ripples from this event that we can’t predict

Individuals shared some really heart-felt stories about why they were there and what this means to them.


News for 2014:

Many of us have been on the board or core team since the BCC started in 2009 and we have decided it’s time to transition the leadership of the BCC to a new board.

We have developed some great systems and great support for the dinner. We have tracked this well, and would support through mentoring and guidance a new team to transition into leadership capacity.

We do feel what makes the Bridgewater dinner a success and unique is our guiding principles or core intentions: Celebration, Inclusion, Green and Service as the gift for the season. So our expectation is that a new team would continue to embrace these values.

We are getting the word out through our volunteer network, through this meeting and our thank you ad in the paper, we are also talking to some of our core supporters to let them know. Our year end is March 31 so we’d hope to now by then how we are transitioning to a new team to provide plenty of lead time.